Scrum Day London is our second conference of the year, and we’re thrilled to bring you more exciting episodes from this renowned event!
As we continue our TalkInTen series, we have a special episode featuring Anikh Subhan, a senior consultant and Agile transformation expert, who explores the intersection of transformation and delivery in Agile environments.
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Here is the synopsis of Anikh's Talk:
Delivering the right value, at the right time for the right users, in the right way is hard. Transforming the right aspects, at the right time, for the right people in the right way is also hard.
Many organisations are undergoing transformation efforts to change their ways of working, whilst also trying to maintain a pace of delivery of projects that need to be completed.
How can we optimise the simultaneous delivery and transformation initiatives? What synergies are there that we can double up on? And which techniques can we apply to both types of work?
In this interactive session, we will explore the synergies between transformation/change initiatives and delivery, delving into the common methods and practices that can be used to achieve a successful organisational change as well as ensuring consistent delivery of valuable software.
Episode Highlights:
- Transformation and Delivery: Discover how to balance ongoing delivery with transformation initiatives to drive continuous improvement.
- Practical Applications: Learn about real-world use cases where synergies between transformation and delivery have been successfully leveraged.
- Enhancing Efficiency: Explore techniques that can be applied to both transformation and delivery work to create efficiencies and ensure consistent value delivery.
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Host Bio
Ben is a seasoned expert in product agility coaching, unleashing the potential of people and products. With over a decade of experience, his focus now is product-led growth & agility in organisations of all sizes.
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Ben Maynard
Product Agility Podcast
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Hello and welcome to the Product Agility Podcast. I'm your host Ben Maynard and for the next few days, we have extra special episodes coming to you from Scrum Day London 2024. This event is a beacon for agile enthusiasts and professionals, and I'm thrilled to bring you insights and new ideas from some of the brightest minds in the agile and product community. For those of you who are new to the podcast, the Product Agility Podcast is your go -to resource for practical tips, strategies, and stories from world -class product and agile thought leaders. Our goal is to increase your knowledge and motivation to experiment, so together we can create ever more successful products. Before we dive in, I'd like to thank our sponsor for this episode, Sheave. Sheave is my company, and we specialize in helping organizations simplify, focus, and align. through embracing a product mindset and using Agile as a means to drive success. Whatever your product or Agile challenge, learn about how Sheave can help your organisation thrive or extend out your own Agile journey at www .sheave .co .uk. That's S -H -E -E -V. And to get a whopping 15 % off of all of our courses, use the code PRODUCTAGILITY24 at the checkout. Now we have an exciting line of the speakers from Scrum Day London 2024 who will be sharing valuable insights and practical tips for you to experiment with. So grab a pen and paper, perhaps a hot drink, and let's dive into a talk in 10. Scrum Day London 2024, we're back again. And this time we are with the one and only Anik Saban. Anik, thank you very much for joining us on the Productivity Podcast today. How have you found the conference so far? Thanks for having me, Ben. It's been a fantastic conference so far. Some really engaging talks, really interesting insights and some practical takeaways to actually take back to work and to some of the organisations I'm working with. But yeah, all around a really good networking day as well. Awesome. So your workshop is yet to happen. It will be happening this afternoon, so I'm going to get a little sneak peek of it. The title of your workshop is Transformation and Delivery, Creating Efficiencies Through Synergies. Sounds interesting. Could you tell me and the listeners a little bit about, I suppose, how you came up with the idea for the workshop and what the workshop is going to be like? Absolutely. Yeah. Firstly, really looking forward to running that session this afternoon. The workshop kind of came about when I've been working with companies and organizations previously who are trying to embark on a bit of transformation journey, whether it's an agile transformation or just you know, remodelling ways of working, whatever it may be, and trying to balance that with the constraints of delivering results and sticking to delivering their outcomes that they are either committed to or have, you know, put into a plan or whatever it might be. So, so there needs to be a way to balance between these priorities and figure out how to maintain that pace of delivery and delivering those outcomes and those results. but at the same time as embedding some change and transformation along the way. So my talk about that is about how to build those synergies and those bridges between those two types of work and the similarities in the approach and the framework for managing those types of work as well to get the results out of both of those at the same time. Nice. It reminds me of that phrase, which I'm going to get wrong, but it's like trying to change the wings of an airplane mid-flight. is that kind of what you're saying, how do you transform something and actually keep things moving forward is what we're saying here, which is a huge challenge. It says on the overview here, it's going to be an interactive session. How, let me rephrase that, what type of interactivity are people going to get from coming along to the workshop and how will that help them learn the techniques or whatever it may be to help kind of change the wings while mid -flight. Yeah, great question. I mean, in my talk, it's going to be a lot of discussion within the group. So we'll be running through some questions together, either in pairs or in groups. We'll be running through practical steps that you can take back to your team and back to your organization. So we'll reference some, some materials and theory and some models as we would, but also bring it back to reality. Right? What can, what can you do tomorrow when you go back to your team or your organization to help put some of this stuff into practice? I'll also touch on, and my favourite football club, which is Liverpool Football Club, for those who are football fans. And I'll also be sharing an anecdote from my kids' sports day yesterday, which was really, really fun. My kids' sports day is tomorrow. Yes. And now actually I'm doing a talk at Wembley Stadium at the end of September. If you want to come along. Agile London. It has secured... Yeah, I think I can say this. That's okay Alex. They've been offered a room in a suite in Wembley Stadium. by the FA to come and do an agile meetup there. So end of September in the UK, in London, Wembley Stadium, I'm going to be doing a talk there and some of us, a few other people perhaps, so yeah maybe we want to get a little bit of a seat on the corridor of the inside of Wembley then that's the opportunity to do it. I'd love to be there, I'd love to join. It's funny actually, I went to Wembley the other week to see England play Iceland just before the Euros and unfortunately we lost 1 -0 but what was funny was that the crowds were more entertained by the paper airplanes that were landing on the picture rather than the events on the actual pitch itself. So, but yeah, looking forward to that. Let's not talk about football, though. Not today. So you mentioned there's a couple of theories or strategies, some conceptual stuff you're going to be teaching people. What of those are you actually going to be teaching them? Can you put some names and give people some examples? Yeah, absolutely. So I'm going to be referencing one of the models from John Cotter, who wrote the book. Accelerate and a few others as well. And he talks about the dual operating model when it comes to running organizations in both a hierarchical model and a network based model. So that being geared towards running product innovation as well as sort of BAE and running the business and we'll be delving into how you can apply that to product delivery at the same time as transforming and going through a change as well. John also at the. Hope my iceberg is melting. Did you write that one as well? Seven step change model. Fantastic. If there was one wish you could have for what you would love people to be saying to you after the workshop, like what would that be? What would you love to hear people saying? My goal and my aim, I guess, is... And something that I'd love to hear from people is that they now have a clear view on one or two things that they can take away and begin to implement and try and experiment with their teams and their organizations who are going through that change. And just feel a bit more confident with being able to approach a refresh of ways of working or roles or responsibilities, while still having the confidence to maintain that delivery pace that they may be used to. So I'm assuming you've had some success in doing this. I'd like to think so, yes. That's why I'm hopefully bringing to the table with some of that experience and some real client examples as well that have gone through. So hopefully I'll bring it to life and add some context to that as well. Could you briefly share one of those examples? Yeah, absolutely. A client I've been working with quite recently in the travel and hospitality industry, undergoing or just about to embark on a change and transformation journey. And some of the techniques I've been using there, which I'll share in the talk, are about starting small. And so starting with some very small steps and piecemeal aspects of that transformation. So before they kind of officially start on that, they've then already got an anchor and a reference point within the organization of what good can look like. And it might be a small team, a couple of teams, et cetera, but that gives that sort of that real contextual reference point for people who are about to embark on that change, which... Helps them to feel a bit more comfortable and confident with that change before they go through to the unknown So you're saying like pick a small batch of people Try working through the change of them make it a success and then create that Desire for others to want to be like that, but then give that great reference point for what good is that's really similar to what Jeff got health was suggesting actually that when he came on the podcast a while ago So it's lovely to hear that back as an important thing So when we say like a small batch of people, how small are we talking here? Are we talking like a team of like seven plus or minus two? Are you thinking more like 50? Just to kind of bound it a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. I think one precondition to that is it depends on the risk, appetite and the level of comfort of the organization with the change they're about to go through. And based on that, it could be one team, which could be a team of whatever, using Jeff Bezos' two -pizza team rule. It could be six to eight people, for example. If an organization is a bit more up for that change and up for the risk, it could be a wider initiative. It could be a whole product that that kind of is that first step. But the key thing is taking that first step to embrace some of that experimentation and that way of working to give that view of what good looks like in the context of that organisation and that environment rather than just what good looks like in the industry and in a bit more of a generic scale. So keeping it really, really relevant. Perfect. I wish I could come along. I'm really intrigued by it. I've seen parallels with lots of things. I'd love to come and experience it. Sadly, I'll be interviewing people. If people want to get a flavor of the workshop and they can't come along to it, can they contact you on LinkedIn to learn more about it or will you be releasing any of the slides or collateral for the workshop? Yeah, absolutely. Connect with me in LinkedIn. Always keen to continue the conversation outside of the talk and the conference as well. And after the conference, I'll be showing some content through the slides and other posts through LinkedIn. I'm also on a work for a company called 100 on Waze. And through our podcast, we share some of these insights and these learnings on our podcast as well. So feel free to give that a listen. brilliant. OK, well, do check the show notes. So we're putting. all relevant LinkedIn and other links to podcasts. We'll chuck it in the show notes and make sure people can get visibility of that. Mate, thank you so much for taking this time. I really appreciate it. And yeah, it sounds like a fantastic workshop. I'm sad that I can't be there. Everyone, thank you very much for listening. We'll be back again at some point quite soon with another episode from Scrum Day London 2024. Thank you very much. Brilliant. Thanks for having me, Ben. Cheers.